

The trainee will learn to use evidence based medicine principles and perform critical review of the literature. The immediate goal of the research experience is for the fellow to learn sound methodology in designing and performing research studies and the correct interpretation and synthesis of research data. During this phase of training the fellow will work under close guidance of the research mentor. All trainees conducting research will be CITI trained and guided by research ethics.


Every fellow is expected to identify a mentor and project(s), and initiate meetings with potential mentors and others participating in their research. Fellows then meet regularly with their research mentor through the course of their study. Every fellow is also expected to complete at least one quality improvement project over the course of their fellowship. If they choose, they may lead this project with a team including but not limited to medicine residents and students. Their quality improvement project should be conceptualized by the end of first year. Updates on this project will need to be provided during each semi-annual Program Director evaluation.

Fellows are also expected to submit research to one or more rheumatology conferences each year. As a first author, they will present this research at the conferences. While attending these conferences, they will participate in other scheduled lectures, courses and conferences, and present this updated research during didactic sessions. Fellows may also choose to participate in other research activities including writing book chapters, manuscript reviews and invited research submissions


[1] Pai S, Schlesinger N. Some safety concerns for drugs for acute and chronic gout. Drug Safety Quarterly – an online publication of the ACR drug safety committee 2014; 5(2): 1-4.

[2] Pai S, Raslan A, Schlesinger N. Gout: Update on current therapeutics. Current Treatment Options in Rheumatology 2015; 1 (2):131-142.

[3] Keenan R, Pai S, Schlesinger N. Epidemiology of gout 383. Oxford Textbook of Osteoarthritis and Crystal Arthropathy 2016; (Chapter 44)

[4] Bhatt V, Stermer C, Hsu V, Sharma R.: Oropharyngeal Dysphagia: Rare presentating symptoms of Statin-induced HMG Co-A Reductase Necrotizing Autoimmnune Myopathy. Rheumatology: Current Research 2017; 7(4): 1-2. DOI: 10.4172/2161-1149.1000229

[5] Pai, S. and Hsu, V., Are there risk factors for scleroderma-related calcinosis?. Modern Rheumatology 2018; 28(3), pp.518-522.

[6] Zuckerman R, Damiani L, Ayyad HA, Alpert D.: Persistent cervical lymphadenitis in a patient with prior thyroid cancer attributed to Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease. British Medical Journal Case Reports. 2018; PMID: 30344150

[7] Sidor M, Zuckerman R, Schlesinger N, Sussman R, Sabahath H, Hsu V. Ultrasound Measurement of the Nail Bed Matrix Thickness as a Useful Marker for Scleroderma-Related Interstitial Lung Disease [abstract]. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2019; 71 (suppl 10).